Modernisation of Alsterschwimmhalle
HENSOTHERM® 820 KS concrete fire protection system
After three years of modernisation, the Alsterschwimmhalle (indoor swimming pool) in Hamburg reopened its doors in November 2023. A listed architectural sensation and therefore a complex challenge for the client, planners and heritage conservation office – not least because of the style-defining roof, known in technical jargon as a “double hyperbolic paraboloid”, it stands on just three points and looks as if it is floating. This is why it was already considered a true architectural marvel when it was originally built in the 1970s. During the renovation of the building, large parts of the existing structure were preserved.
Protected by the HENSOTHERM® concrete fire protection system
In order to improve the fire resistance time of the concrete components due to the lack of reinforcement cover after the renovation of the historic building, it has been retrofitted with the water-based fire protection system HENSOTHERM® 820 KS (European Patent No. 2686391) to the required fire resistance class R90 (up to R240 possible).
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Builder-owner: Bäderland Hamburg
Architect: gmp Architekten
Photos: Marcus Bredt