Musikkens Hus, Aalborg (DK)
Fire protection for the concert hall by the fjord
Musikkens Hus in Aalborg, the fourth largest city in Denmark, is part of the modernised harbour district on the Limfjord and was opened in March 2014 after four years of construction. A concert hall for the culture and music scene in North Jutland, with acoustics to an international standard. The nine-story building has four concert halls, five stages, a restaurant, an impressive foyer, as well as classrooms and administrative offices across an area of more than 20,000 m². In addition to the Aalborg Symphony Orchestra, Musikkens Hus is also home to Denmark’s young musicians from Aalborg University.
Protected by the HENSOTHERM® 2K steel fire protection system
The steel structures in the building, with a surface area of approx. 10,000 m², have been upgraded to the fire resistance classes R90 and R120 with the water-based fire protection system HENSOTHERM® 420 KS (now HENSOTHERM® 421 KS).
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Photos: Martin Schubert
Architecture studio: Coop Himmelb(l)au (CHBL, Wien)