HENSOTHERM® GM 2000 – Fire-resistant gypsum mortar for mixed penetration seals

The HENSOTHERM® GM 2000 is a fire-resistant mineral gypsum mortar, consisting of expanded perlite (0-3 mm) and fibres (6-13 mm) used to form a fire penetration seal for single, multiple and mixed services to reinstate the fire resistance performance of rigid floor constructions, temporarily or permanently, where they have been provided with medium or large apertures penetrated by various supply lines and all kinds of insulation materials.

HENSOTHERM® GM 2000 is used in combination with min. 50 mm thick mineral fibre boards serving as lost formwork, HENSOTHERM® RM 50 pipe collars, HENSOTHERM® 7 KS Gewebe 50 pipe wraps and HENSOTHERM® ST Service Transit to form a fire penetration seal.

For mixed and multiple fire penetration seals, HENSOTHERM® GM 2000 was tested in accordance with EN 1366-3 with a fire resistance class up to EI 120 (see ETA 22/0702).
Its high yield and only 50 mm thick standard seal construction designs paired with the non-hazardous formula make HENSOTHERM® GM 2000 the new “Gypsum Master” among fireproof mortars on the market.


Electrical supply lines of all types and support structures


Combustible pipes with FEF and HENSOTHERM® RM 50


Aluminium-composite pipe with FEF and
HENSOTHERM® 7 KS Gewebe 50


Non-combustible metal pipes with glass or stone wool insulation


  • ETA 22/0702, tested in accordance with EN 1366-3
  • Fire resistance class up to EI 120
  • Use categories / durability classes Y1 / Y2 / Z1 / Z2
  • Colour: White
GM 2000


  • Only 50 mm thick standard seal construction designs
  • All common Flexible Elastomeric Foam (FEF) insulations ≤ B-s3,d0 according to EN 13501-1
  • High yield – Less than 2 bags (20 litres/22 kg) for 1 m² seal at 50 mm depth
  • Glass wool insulation for aluminium-composite pipes tested up to EI 90
  • Simple to apply – curing time 30 to 60 minutes without retarder
  • High sound insulation (Rw,max = 59 dB, ISO 717-1, 50 mm depth)
  • Seal construction designs with one-sided access
  • No cable coating required


  • Construction elements: rigid floors ≥ 150 mm, ≥ 650 kg/m³
  • Single cables DN ≤ 80 mm, cable bundles DN ≤ 100 mm
  • Flexible electrical installation pipes, single or bundle DN ≤ 125 / 63 mm
  • Combustible pipes with FEF-insulation DN ≤ 140 mm
  • Aluminium-composite pipes DN ≤ 63 mm with glass, stone wool or FEF-insulation
  • Metal pipes DN ≤ 139.7 mm (steel) with stone wool or FEF-insulation
  • Also usable as fire-resistant filler


  • Green Product, VOC emission class A+
  • Low emissions – environmental and user friendly
  • Non-hazardous formula, no dangerous SVHC components
  • Does not contain any PBT or vPvB substances

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